Hey everybody, I thought I'd take a step back from posting serious geek content to make a little gaming quiz to help you figure out if you a True Gamer or just some poser trying to look cool in our geek ruled society. This is a 25 question quiz with all the answers at the bottom, but please refrain from looking at them before you answer the questions because that is the behavior of a poser and not a True Gamer, like I am sure all of you will say you are after taking this quiz. Most question are multiple choice, but there are a few true/false questions and one you need to answer yourself. Good luck, you noobs will need it.
Question #1: Is Candy Crush is a real
A) Yes, but only by a technicality B)
Question #2: Angry Birds is...
A) Dumb B) A great Crush the Castle
clone C) A great game to play on the toilet
Question #3: The Proper way to fix a
NES game is to...
A) reset it B) jiggle the console C)
blow on the game D) hold the B button down
Question #4: World of Warcraft is...
A) a feeling B) The best MMO ever C)
Meh D) better than sex
Question #5: Single player RPGs are...
A) for untalented gaming wannabes B)
awesome C) the best weapon in COD 4
Question #6: Would you rather be
A) extremely rich B) have
Uber-Micro? C) Fly
Question #7: Mario is to Luigi as Jimmy
is to
A) Johns B) Lee C) Billy D) Abobo
Question #8: The greatest gamer of all
time is...
A) Billy Mitchel B) Teh Pwnerer C) You
are D) Donald Trump
Question #9: The best video game system
of all time is...
A) Xbox One B) PS4 C) Nintendo Wii
U D) PC E) The one you enjoy with your friends
Question #10: League of Legends is
ruining the gaming world!
A) True B) False
Question #11: All Mobile Games Suck!
A) True B) False
Question #12: Finish this phrase BOOM!
A) You're dead! B) Got you C) Palm
strike! D) HEAD SHOT!
Question #13: The Mario Bros. Made
their debut in...
A) Super Mario Bros. B) Donkey Kong C)
Mario Bros. D) Mario Kart
Question #14: The hero of The Legend of
Zelda is...
A) Ganon B) Zelda C) Link D) Tingle
Question #15: The Konami code is...
Question #16: The Konami Code debuted
A) Contra B) Rush'n Attack C) Galaga D)
Question #17: To truly Pwn one must...
A) Practice B) be born with it. C) Pwn
at all games D) never rage quit
Question #18: The best strategy is
A) A 3 dozer build B) one you got
online C) the one that always wins, except when Kyle uses it
Question #19: The best game of all time
A) Fallout 4 B) Skyrim C) Tic Tac
Toe D) Chess E) Go F) RL
Question #20: I'm coming at your base
with two rockvees and an ambo – you've got a Jarmen, two scorps,
and a quad. What do you do?
Question #21: Modern games are..
A) Too easy B) Too short C) Too
expensive D) Pay to win E) All of the above
Question #22: Modern gamers are
A) Too casual B) Too sensitive C)
Mostly older women D) All of the above
Question #23: If you suck at a game you
A) Rage quit! B) Break your
controller C) Git good!
Question #24: The worst thing to happen
to games is...
A)Day 1 DLC B) Pre-Order Bonuses C)
Microtransactions D) Pewdie Pie
Question #25: Did you actually take
this quiz without cheating?
A) Yes B) No C) Yes, but I skipped some
questions D) No, but only for question 20!
Answer Key
1) A 11) B 21) B
2) B or C 12) D 22) D
3) C 13) C 23) C
4) A or C 14) C 24) D
5) B 15) D 25) A
6) B 16) D
7) C 17) C
8) B 18) C
9) E 19) D
10) B 20)* see below
Answer for Question 20:
the ambo with Jarmen and target both Scorps on the first rockvee,
their missiles will insta-gib it. Kite back with all units while
Jarmen picks off the MDs and the Quad adds some DPS. As soon as the
Scorp missiles are re-loaded, turn around, engage the second rockvee
and clean up the remainder with an a-move. EZPZ.
0 = Total Noob
1- 5 = Not as bad as Kyle, but still pretty bad
6- 10 = You don't totally lick my balls!
11-15 = Oh look, a trained noob.
16- 20 = You are a true gamer!
21- 24 = Congrats, you are 1337!
25= You are an Uber-Gamer!
26 = Hacker!
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