Full disclosure, Nilspace was brought to my attention when the developers 1LookGames reached out to me via email. After a brief exchange they agreed to answer a few questions via email and I will have their answers on the site when I get them back.
Nilspace is an upcoming SRPG from the indie developers 1LookGames that is scheduled to land on Kickstarter this June. Mixing elements from games like Fire Emblem and Persona 5, Nilspace looks to be an interesting game...if the developers can successfully pull it off. A prequel game is free for those who go to the 1LookGames website and sign up to be a part of their email list. It is unclear what platforms Nilspace is going to be on but there is a Steam page for the game if you want to add it to your wish list. I will have more information on the game soon but for now take a look over the fact sheet for the game and check out the teaser trailer.
Nilspace is a secret mobile game playing across the school campus. Guilds war over territorydespite not knowing who coded this mysterious app. Our protagonist has arrived severalmonths late at college and is thrown into the chaos of student life! He faces the dauntingchallenge of catching up with his grades, gathering friends, and managing his schedule. And ifthat wasn’t enough, a Nilspace developer unilaterally made him into a king! The newcomer hasbecome a major player in a game he doesn’t fully understand. He must strengthen his standingon campus in time for the fierce weekend battles! Can he defy the odds to win it all?“Nilspace is a celebration of building gaming communities.”
- Top-down battlefields set for grid combat.
- Control the units of your team to complete the objective before the opposition takes you out.
- Unlock over 70+ new classes and customize the units of your team.
- Craft over 100+ new weapons and upgrades to give you an advantage in battle.
- Strategically build up the strength of your guild during Free Time.
- The calendar tracks each day while you manage your time.
- Multiple locations across the school campus to explore.
- Events trigger at certain places and certain times.
- Grow personal relationships with other students.
- Use your Free Time to recruit more units, find items, and strengthen your guild.
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