Warborn, a tactical strategy game inspired by the mecha anime of the 90's, was developed by Raredrop Games and published by PQube. It will be released on the Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC via Steam. PS4 and Switch versions will be available digitally as well as physically. The newest trailer for the game came be watched below. If you need more Warborn in your life then check out the screenshots at the end of the article.
Warborn will feature 4 different factions, each with their own commander, and over 40 missions in campaign mode. The game will also have a Skirmish mode where you face off against the computer in battles. Those looking for a human challenge can challenge others online to 1 on 1 battles. The game will also feature a map editor that can be used to create new maps to face either the computer of human opponents on.
*All images courtesy of PQube
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